May 8-9, 2023
Engineering Education Innovation (EEI) Days is a two-day, in-person event focused on community building and instructional topics pertinent to the College of Engineering community.
Faculty Panel: Teaching Engineering Equity & Inclusion
The Teaching Engineering Equity (TEE) Center will host a faculty panel featuring Michigan Engineering faculty who are implementing equity-focused and inclusive teaching practices.
Monday, May 8, 1:30 – 3:00 220 Chrysler
Resource Fair
Just a few highlights of available booths:
- C.A.R.E. Center
- Spire
- ITS Teaching & Learning
- Zoom Rooms
- XR
- Learning Clues
- Services for Students with Disabilities
- Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program
Tour the following locations:
- Nexus Studios
- Duderstadt Center XR Lab
- Duderstadt Center Fabrication Studio
and more!!
Workshops & Presentations
- Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Instruction – A Panel Discussion
- Faculty Panel: Teaching Engineering Equity & Inclusion
- Executive Functioning Support Basics presented by Academic Support and Access Partnerships (ASAP)
- E3 Grants: Developing a reasoning diagram to support teaching writing in mechanical engineering lab courses + E3 Grants: Engineered to Win, a new course to engage 1st years in their home space.
- Digital Accessibility – Five things you can start doing today
- Course Equity Reports: Using institutional data to inform pedagogical decisions
- Making Your Course Equitable for Students and Do-Able for You
- E3 Grants: Integrating XR Technologies in ENGR 100 to Teach Socially-Engaged Design and Community Outreach
- Integrating a DEI Case Study in Your Engineering Course
- Mastery grading for inclusive learning and retention: A team based alternative to stand and deliver lecture
- Developing Learning Objectives for “Equity-Centered” Undergraduate Engineering
- Quality Matters: Delivering on the promise of online learning
- Supporting Students in Distress
- Tips & Tricks For Improving Your Online Course
- E3 Grants: Forming, supporting, and assessing teams using Tandem
- Building Better Quizzes with MiQuizMaker
- Research Lightning Talks
- Providing Textbook Access to Engineering Students
- Norming Inclusive Design Practices
- Student Panel – Generative AI
- Instructional Software for Programming Assignments
- Thinking Outside of the Box: Creating Learner-Centric Digital Experiences with InSpace
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